Learning about Amphibians
grade levels: 4-12/College
Idaho achievement standards for this lesson
1. The student will become familiar with the amphibian section of the Digital Atlas of Idaho.
2. The students will understand the basic characteristics of amphibians.
3. The student will get involved with some conservation issues of amphibians.
Go to the following pages
on the digital atlas to learn about amphibians: To get there: Click on Atlas Home, mouse-over Biology, then click on Amphibians. Answer the following questions using the
links found in the amphibian section of the Digital Atlas. (See sample handout)
These are links to access
the handouts and printable materials.
amph2ho.pdf |
| Amphibians
Handout Sample:
The amphibian section provides information on the evolutionary
relationships among amphibians, how to identify amphibian species in Idaho, and
how each species goes about the business of making a living in nature. Use your
knowledge to answer the following questions completely and accurately.
1. What are the characteristics that distinguish amphibians from other animals?
2. What is included in the two orders of amphibians found in Idaho?
3. What are the major differences between these two orders?
Conservation: Visit the web site of the North American Reporting Center for Amphibian Malformations at: http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/narcam/
1. What types of malformations did you observe?
2. What are the possible causes of these malformations?
3. Why do you think such things as chemicals influence frogs so easily?
Lesson Topics:
Biology: Amphibians